
Overcoming Obesity

Overcoming Obesity I recently stumbled upon a news article about an obese cat weighing in at an incredible 39 pounds. The story seemed to fuel lots of jokes, ridicule and speculation across [...]

By |May 25th, 2012|Categories: Briefing Room|0 Comments

Truth vs. Experience

Truth vs. Experience Recently, I was part of a meeting where the speaker made a claim that almost startled me. His hypothesis was that if a certain man’s teaching and experience worked [...]

By |March 23rd, 2011|Categories: Articles|0 Comments

Ekklesia Redefined Pt. 3

Rejecting The System I find no fault with those who are genuinely grieved or turned off by religious Christianity and have chosen to disengage from the system and meaningless religious services or activity. [...]

By |February 16th, 2011|Categories: Articles|0 Comments
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