Our Vision

Kingdom Ambassadors International is an embassy dedicated to bringing church reformation, kingdom demonstration and global transformation as we seek to establish an accurate, borderless Kingdom Community among the nations.

Our vision is to equip and empower strong leaders, ministers and saints to embrace a kingdom culture, defined by a set of core values, for the perpetuation of God’s purposes among all people, and the complete manifestation of Christ’s Kingdom here on earth. This single objective will be realized and accomplished through the following key initiatives:

  • The diligent promotion and bold, determined proclamation of God’s Kingdom agenda in the earth.
  • The establishing of new reformation positions and patterns throughout the global community of Kingdom Citizens otherwise known as the Church.

  • To be an accurate prophetic voice that will open up new pathways and portals of access to heaven, thus releasing a new sound as well as new depths of wisdom and insight that will elevate the Church to a new prophetic dimension and magnify Jesus in the earth.

  • Building and establishing churches, embassies and kingdom communities both locally and globally.

  • Effective evangelism and discipleship.

  • Reaching of the unchurched, the unsaved and the unreached.

  • Establishing new and more effective models of biblical education along with Kingdom-centered training institutes.

  • Networking and co-laboring with other leaders, five-fold ministers and ministries operating within their various spheres.

  • Media outreach (radio, television, internet, books, etc.).

  • Community Outreaches (feeding/housing programs, etc.).

  • The strategic training and placement of Kingdom Ambassadors in the home, church, media, health-care, law & government, education, entertainment, business & commerce, etc., so that they bring a Kingdom dimension to their respective field.

  • Conferences, seminars and accelerated training programs geared toward equipping the Saints


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